Dr. Md Tabrez Alam, General Physician in Sahibganj

Dr. Md Tabrez Alam, General Physician in Sahibganj
Mobile No: 9122205767

Dr. Md Tabrez Alam is a Doctor with 12 years of clinical experience, having medical clinic at Chowk Bazaar Sahibganj. In 2011, he received his MBBS from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru and in 2019, he received his MD – General Medicine from Bhupendra Narayan Mandal University, Madhepura, Bihar.

More Information about Dr. Md Tabrez Alam

His Specializations:
  • General Physician
His Education
  • MBBS from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru in 2011
  • MD in General Medicine from Bhupendra Narayan Mandal University, Madhepura, Bihar in 2019.

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